Saturday, September 09, 2006


The funeral went well today, other than a little confusion over some songs, but things worked out fine as they always do. It was really encouraging to see a good contingent from church make the hour drive through back roads to pay their respects. Mrs. Karen will be missed by many.

The picture above is of the Habitat for Humanity house that was dedicated in Ocean Springs today. The only problem with my day was that I had been asked to say a few words at the dedication, but because of the funeral I had to back out. Laura and Kellie, the new homeowners, had asked me to come and speak, so I really hated to let them down. After the funeral, I dropped by to say how sorry I was to miss it and to congratulate them on their beautiful new home, but they weren’t there. So I took a few pictures of their house and promised myself that I’d try again soon.

This was the first of the John Grisham houses for our affiliate to be completed. Back in the craziness after the storm, THE John Grisham called our church building asking for me! One of his many friends on the Coast had given him my name (my favorite fact to point out!) as a contact for Habitat for Humanity (in fact, I began this affiliate). Mr. Grisham was so very gracious when I spoke with him, and must be gracious with his money, too. If I remember correctly, he gave our affiliate $300,000 in the form of six houses. Laura and Kelli’s was the first completed, with five more in the works in the city of Gautier.

I’m feeling kind of drained, but I think I might mow my front yard this evening anyway. It needs it. I’m also interested in watching the Ohio State / Texas game on television later on.

Happy Saturday everyone.

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