Friday, September 15, 2006


Our fearless leader, Matt, works replacing ceiling tiles at the church building tonight... Ten of us showed up last night. Eight came tonight. Tomorrow morning is the "real" work day, and I hope there will be a good turnout then. We've accomplished a lot in the last couple of nights, but there's still quite a bit to get done tomorrow. I was paired up with my friend, Tom, tonight, and he got on a roll in the very difficult section around the air conditioning ducts. We worked nonstop for 4 1/2 hours, but we got our side completely done. All I did was pick up tiles and hand them to Tom, but my arms are already hurting in places I didn't know existed! Tomorrow morning they'll feel REALLY good, I'm sure!

I got a surprise early birthday when I got home close to 11pm tonight! Hillary had made me a football birthday cake, and she and Jody gave me their gifts (my birthday is 24 minutes away!): Hillary gave me a HUGE Sudoku book and a mask she made at pottery camp, while Jody gave me the book, "The Great Deluge" (about Hurricane Katrina). I'm looking forward to getting to see Erica on my birthday tomorrow afternoon.

Today I had lunch at the elementary school with Hillary, which is always fun! I had a good burrito with salsa, potatoes, and a tasty fruit dessert. Plus, I had a GREAT roll. Schools make the very best rolls in the whole world. It was fun sitting with my daughter and her friends - it won't be long until she won't allow me there, so I'm trying to enjoy it for as long as I can.

I've got to take a shower and get some sleep! Good night, everyone! I'll be 36 years old before I can even get to bed!!!

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