Monday, September 11, 2006


The picture is of Marvel and Charlene and Jody, the last folks standing after our S.P.I.N. Ministry meeting tonight. I am REALLY excited that our young adult group has chosen "single parents" as a group to reach out toward and help, and things are getting better all the time. Our SPIN group serves Single Parents In Need, and on December 2, we will have our first major event, something we're calling the Single Parent Network. Stick around, and I'll tell you all about as it comes together! It ought to be really exciting!

Speaking of exciting, my phone rang somethink like a BILLION times today!!! Sheesh!!! Mondays are usually fairly quiet, and I get a lot of things done. Today was extremely hectic, and I got a lot done, but I really don't know how. My major task each Monday is to assemble my Peak of the Week Class for Wednesday night, and it is downright miraculous that I pretty much got it together today. And, oddly enough, I sort of feel like this one might be GREAT! If you are in the area Wednesday night, you might not want to miss it!

I got to eat lunch with the group from Killen, and it was really, really good. Jody fixed some great hamburgers for supper tonight, where we celebrated with Heath and Laura on their new jobs located today!

It's been a good day. And to top it off, all three of my fantasy football teams won their week number one games (sorry David and Cole and John!).

Sleep well, everyone...

Yeah, rub it in ... we'll face off another day!

Thanks for the pic of my sister!
They're calling for a podcast, Al ... the next step in your digital revolution!
Thanks, Kim & Shielia! And John, you'll have to usher me into the podcast world, too - you're the reason I know what a "blog" is!!!
Lien, you've no idea how much we miss you guys, too. You'd all be embarrassed to know how often we talk about you...

Maybe this can help us stay in touch. Comment a bunch...
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