Thursday, September 14, 2006


Those of you who have been to our “old” house might recognize it from this picture. We sold it to a local contractor about ten months ago now, and as you can tell from the picture, his major accomplishment has been to park a truck in the driveway.

I went out to our old neighborhood today to take a few pictures of the Little’s house. They are friends of one of our church family members, and our church has been helping them rebuild. After snapping a few pictures from the outside, I decided to drive by our old house, though I don’t know why I torture myself like that. Every time I see it, I’m filled with this enormous sense of embarrassment. Even though it isn’t ours, it just tears me up to know that our old neighbors, Brian and Tammy (and their kids, Shannon and Briana), have to look at that crap every day. I just hate it.

I spent a couple of hours at the hospital today visiting with Peggy (who was sitting with her mother, Mrs. Louise). Mrs. Louise’s broken hip needs to be operating on, but she has a bevy of doctors who all need to sign off on the surgery before it will happen. And her health is not good. So far, the lung doctor has refused to agree to surgery every day: Mrs. Louise just wouldn’t make it. Some time after I left, Mrs. Louise nearly made the decision moot for everyone when her oxygen levels began to drop dramatically. Peggy rushed to her side and kissed her goodbye, but the nurses rushed in and were able to help things improve. Life and death issues going on every day in that hospital.

Some of you Church of Christ folks will know the name of Joe Beam. He’s getting a whole lot of press with his traveling sex talks. He was on the front page of MSNBC today, and he is scheduled to appear on the Today Show. Ought to provide a lot of fodder for discussion all around.

We began work on replacing the ceiling tiles in our auditorium tonight. Ten guys showed up to begin the pain-in-the-neck project, about half of the older men, and half the younger men. It was actually pretty enjoyable, maybe most especially because the older men and the younger men got to hang out together. That doesn’t happen nearly enough.

A couple of chapters left in Dave Barry’s Big Trouble. I think I’ll read some before hitting the bed.

Good night, everyone.

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