Thursday, October 19, 2006


I took the little video above with my digital camera last February at the University of South Alabama. My favorite baseball player, Albert Pujols, had come to host a charity golf tournament in the area, and he loaned his name to the university’s Hall of Fame game by showing up for (and winning) their home run derby.

Luis Gonzales is the hero at USA (and at present a broadcaster for Fox Sports), and he is always the show at the home run derby (though Pujols stole the show this past year). Gonzo isn’t the only Jag baseball hero, though: both Juan Pierre (of the Cubs) and Marlon Anderson (of the Dodgers) were in town, too. But I showed up to see Pujols, and I was so glad that I did. After the derby, I was lucky enough to work myself into position to get an autograph from my favorite Cardinal.

I guess I was thinking of this video today because I’m hoping to see a bit of that tonight in Game Seven of the NLCS at Shea Stadium.

Here are my predictions for tonight:
* Lots of Redbird runs tonight. They come early, and often.
* Suppan won’t turn in a stellar performance like his last start, but he will fare better than his Met counterparts
* Late in the game, when the Cards turn to their bullpen, the Mets will make a run and get the crowd back into the game
* It will come down to Adam Wainwright in the 8th and 9th innings to hold on to the lead
* Wainwright pulls it off, and the Cards win 8-6

Okay, my predictions always suck. So I think I’ll just watch the game and see what happens…

Wow, were my predictions off. Except the very last one - the one that matters!!!

I truly LOVED IT that Yadi was the hero (along with Suppan). Couldn't have scripted it better.

* Not to brag or anything (smile), but I DID predict the Cardinals making it to the World Series, remember? I missed all my other predictions, but I got that one right.
* We don't have a stinking chance with Encarnacion playing like he's played and hitting clean-up. Rolen started to come out of his funk last night, and Preston Wilson played like me. I would have started Taguchi instead of Wilson (only complaint), but I'll predict now that if Encarnacion doesn't show up big, we're in major trouble against Detroit.
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