Wednesday, October 18, 2006

A lot has changed in the years since I was in college. Real food courts on campus, for one. A 5,000% (give or take a few thousand percent) increase in tuition, another. The dorms are like hotels now instead of crappy World War I army barracks. The kids are also a lot younger than they used to be. Parents are now “expected” to pay for a child’s college education. And now, add “fall break” to the ever-expanding list.

We did have a fall break in my day. We called it Thanksgiving. But now, by October, overworked college kids putting in somewhere in the neighborhood of fifteen hours every week in class need a few extra days off for rest and relaxation. Thus, fall break.

But I like it.

My reason is selfish, however: I’m just really glad to see my oldest daughter. It’s good to have her around the house for a couple of days. It will be good for her to take her little sister to her dance class tomorrow night. It will be good for her to help out at the children’s Halloween party at church Friday night. It will be good to hear her voice in our home, and it will even be good to have to juggle cars in the driveway with her around.

It’s been good to hear her talk about her classes and projects as good things, and it has been good to take a picture of her beautiful smile to share with you all.


Well, it’s a good thing Erica is home, because the Cardinals blew Game 6 tonight. We need a repeat performance from Jeff Suppan tomorrow night, and a couple of hits before the 9th inning. I’m not giving up hope. Yet.


I heard there was a report floating around the Internet today about a “dirty bomb” threat targeting seven NFL stadiums this weekend. Guess where I’m getting to go this weekend!?! I have such luck sometimes. But the good news is that “my” stadium wasn’t on the list. Thank goodness terrorists are honest, huh?

Erica is a beautiful young woman with a beautiful spirit. I know you're glad to have her home!
Thanks, John!

Enjoyed lunch with you yesterday (as always)!
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