Saturday, October 28, 2006

My wife and I had a wedding to attend today, so we dressed up in our very best... :-)

No, seriously, and in case you can't tell, we were supposed to be a dead bride and groom as we dressed up for our young adult costume party. We had a really great time at the Chevalier's house tonight. Leah and Skeeter put on a wonderful party, and we had a good group show up to just laugh and have fun together. Great food, great games, great costumes, and great fun...

This, by the way, is my very most favorite day of the year. 25 hours instead of 24!!!

no mention of the cardinals? I can't believe it.
You're right. I'm falling down on my job.

So since you brought it up...

1. I didn't know Larussa chose jersey #10 when he came to St. Louis because his goal was to win a 10th World Series for the franchise. Does he have to switch jerseys now?

2. I didn't know Eckstein had only been in the bigs for 6 seasons. 2 championships in 6 years is a pretty good percentage!

3. Although I love Eckstein and am glad he won the MVP, I think Molina deserved it more.

4. The Cardinals have 10 World Series championships in franchise history, second only to the Yankees. (This is mostly for my friends who are Braves fans!)

5. Chris Duncan needs to be playing 1st base somewhere (not the outfield), and since that position won't be open in St. Louis for another decade or so, he needs to be traded for an outfielder. With his dad as pitching coach / Larussa's buddy, I wonder if he will be traded?

6. I like our infield a lot, and our young bullpen began to emerge at season's end. And we have 3-4 quality starters all of a sudden. Looks like our big needs are: (a) outfielders (several), and (b)a left-handed starter. Possibly (c) a closer if the decision is made to move Wainwright to the starting rotation.

7. I get to gloat for a whole year now, right?

gloat away! I have no idea what you're talking about. I'm just a sports igmo. But I'm happy for you!
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