Thursday, November 16, 2006

I guess today was medical day for me…

I spent several hours in Mobile this morning visiting with Danielle and her mom, Angie. They are both so easy to talk to, and I really enjoyed being there with them. If all hospital visits were like that, I doubt any preacher would ever leave the hospital!

Danielle is up to 25 weeks along now (as of yesterday), and they’ve told her now that they would wait until 34 weeks if they could. Everything is going along fine so far, so we continue to pray that the little fella inside will be content to stay there for several more weeks to come. Shawn & Danielle (and the whole family) appreciates all of you who are praying for them.

The picture above is from the Children’s & Women’s Hospital there in Mobile. As you drive on to the campus, you see lots of these impressive bronze statues scattered around a well-manicured lawn and walkway, all depicting children in one way or another. The statues are captivating, and they made me wonder how many families have driven by and had reactions to them. I’m sure many have seen these depictions of kids enjoying life and have smiled, while others have broken down in tears. I don’t know if the statue garden is a good idea or not, but it surely can’t help being noticed.

This afternoon, my medical day continued with a visit to a surgeon to talk about scheduling a date for my (get your quotation mark fingers ready) “procedure.” The office was quiet, and the visit was smooth. Good folks all around.

When I asked the doctor about all the nightmare stories, he decided to tell me one. One of his colleagues performed a vasectomy for a man, and then eight or ten years later he received a call from the man with the news that his wife was pregnant. Quite a nightmare, eh? It gets worse. The vasectomy wasn’t the problem.

That’s not funny, of course. But I laughed anyway.

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