Sunday, December 17, 2006

But a BIG highlight of our day was seeing our friends, Win and Susie (pictured above).
I met Susie first, years ago now, while sitting on the bleachers at the University of South Alabama watching our daughters play club volleyball with a club called "the Edge" in Mobile, Alabama. We soon found out that both our daughters were "Mississippi girls," which began a friendship between our family and theirs that was forged in countless Saturdays spannign several years sitting in gyms in places like Pensacola, Gulf Shores, Panama City, Tallahassee, and of course, Mobile.
Win and Susie are wonderful people, and they have raised an unbelievable daughter in Megan. It has been a true pleasure for all to us to be buddies with all of them.
When the volleyball ceased, we haven't had the chance to spend much time with their family. Which was why we were so excited to receive an invitation in the mail last week to attend a "Christmas Open House" at their home today. We weren't able to stay very long, but the time we spent there picked up our friendship right where it left off whenever we last had the chance to visit.
And when we left we promised to have each other over to our houses MUCH more often in the future. And in spite of the fact that statements like that often fall from the radar screen of life, we have every intention of keeping this promise.