Saturday, January 20, 2007

My Ocean Springs photography project continues to introduce me to interesting folks. No rendering of Ocean Springs would be complete without including our local Elks Lodge's efforts to celebrate Mardi Gras, so tonight, since I knew their Ball was being held at the Civic Center, I took a chance and showed up early to see if I could snap a couple of pictures.

When I introduced myself, I met Jocelyn, a very nice lady who recognized me from a speaking engagement I once fulfilled, and we had a short but wonderful conversation. She told me a bit about what would happen at the Ball tonight: the royalty would march in just after 7pm (King Donnie is pictured above, with his wife, Marge, on their way to the Ball), followed by a skit put on by members of the Krewe, followed by a band and general merriment for the rest of the evening.

Jocelyn attends the Lutheran church in Ocean Springs, and we talked about Pastor Gordy, who moved away a few years back (and who is one of the most interesting and engaging people I've ever met). At one point, Jocelyn turned serious and asked me if I was "alright with" Mardi Gras. She's been accosted on occasion it seems due to the religious heritage of the celebration, to which she doesn't subscribe, so she wanted to make sure I wasn't going to blast her for her choice to enjoy its cultural aspects.

I've been around here long enough to know that people have lots of different approaches to the local holiday, ranging from those who condemn it in every shape and form to those who use it to engage in all sorts of debauchery. In between are a whole lot of folks, so it has been my general practice (extended to all areas of life) not to judge someone without even knowing them.

That approach, all by itself, made it possible for me to meet someone new tonight.

It's kinda like becoming all things to all people...

I'm really enjoying your photos!

Spiritual Oasis Blog
That's it Bill! And thanks!
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