Thursday, January 25, 2007

This morning, should you have come around the office area at the Ocean Springs Church of Christ, you would have seen a group of people up to their eyeballs in boxes!!! We issued a clarion call for help assembling boxes this morning for a very special Sunday I have planned this weekend, and in addition to the three staff members paid to be there, three wonderful volunteers - Charlene, Linda, and Eileen - arrived to help us assemble & label 250 boxes!!!

I am not the master of creative church experiences. I believe that title goes to my good friend, Troy, who is senior pastor for the Flamingo Road Church in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. He has the gift of coming up with ideas that produce unforgettable messages. I do not have that gift.

But periodically, I run across something, however, that leads to an idea that I hope is unforgettable. And that was why we were assembling 250 boxes this morning.

I typically begin each calendar year with a themed message for our church family to consider for the coming year, but this time around I purposely postponed it for three weeks. And I can't wait for Sunday!!!

I have to admit that the arrival of Charlene, Linda, and Eileen this morning to work hard for reasons they didn't know made me think of two things: (1) I know some wonderful people, and (2) there are already signs that what I will talk about Sunday has potential!

Okay...I've swallowed the hook. Reel me in and tell me the secret, then throw me back in the warm Pacific waters already.

Lol....I can wait until Sunday. Wish we were there to hear it though.

LOL! I'll tell you on Sunday!

Y'all come back now, ya here? (as opposed to Aloha here in Mississippi)
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