Thursday, February 01, 2007

Charles is a young Marine recently assigned to the Mississippi Gulf Coast. He, and his wife, Evie, are very good friends to Isaac and Nicole. The engaged couple had assumed that they'd try to find a Justice of the Peace today to simply sign their marriage license, but Charles and Evie hoped for something a bit more special than that. But they weren't sure how.
Charles and Evie have started attending our church services, and after traveling the last several weeks, they attended our Peak of the Week class last evening. In the middle of class, I used a wedding as an illustration, and the proverbial light bulb came on in Evie's active brain. After class, she approached me cautiously, wondering if I had any plans on Thursday evening.
And to make a long story short, we had a wedding tonight.
There was one other good friend present, bringing our grand total to six in attendance. But Evie found Nicole a dress, and Isaac wore his uniform. Charles stood in as best man, and the other friend used my camera and became the wedding photographer. Afterwards, we had chips & dip, a wonderful ice cream cake, and sparkling grape juice.
And thanks to Charles & Evie, their friends now have a wedding ceremony to remember.