Thursday, February 22, 2007
* The day began with a trip to the Jackson County Science Fair in Gautier where Hillary took home 2nd place in "Engineering, Computers, and Math." We were VERY proud and happy for her! For those who don't know, a trip to the county science fair means that a parent must accompany the child, but during the few hours of judging the parent cannot be with the child. So I did some work in regard to my mentoring of our youth minister and then began reading my next "church" book, A Lesson Before Dying, by Ernest Gaines.
* After the science fair, I took Hillary and her friend, Sydney, home for a little while before taking them to Kids Club. This was Sydney's first time to go to Kids Club with Hillary, and while she was there she became interested in a new girls club Lindsey (our youth minister's wife) is starting. That was pretty cool all by itself.
* While they were in Kids Club, I went to Camp Victor on Government Street where I met Suzie Harvey, the assistant site director. In addition to adding a picture to my Ocean Springs photo-project (which allows me the opportunity to get out into the community and meet people), I also secured some possibilities for our incoming hurricane relief groups that will start descending soon, so it was a doubly productive visit.
* When I returned to pick up the kids from Kids Club, Delta Sanitation was dropping off the HUGE dumpster for a big work weekend scheduled at the church. The driver needing some direction as to placing the dumpster, and I did my best to help him before speeding off for the next stop.
* My wife and I did the relay switch with Hillary after a fast food supper, then I drove out to Woolmarket to visit with the Cook family. We've been trying for a couple of weeks now to get together where I could take a picture of the family with Awesome Dawson now home from the hospital. You can see them HERE. It is amazing to think that he is three months old now, even though his original due date hasn't arrived yet. He is now up to 6lbs, 4oz, and doing very well.
* I came home to a flurry of emails, which is where I'm at now. But I'm about to call it a night. I've been going pretty solid for 15 hours now. That's enough for one day...