Thursday, February 15, 2007

Hillary and Mr. Estis

Today marks the eighth anniversary of my family’s move to Ocean Springs. We hope for many, many more to come.

A lot changes in eight years:
* My youngest daughter has changed from a pudgy eighteen-month old sweetie to a smart & beautiful nine-and-a-half year old sweetie.
* My oldest daughter has transformed from a shy sixth grade beauty to a beautiful sophomore at a university carrying eighteen hours and a part-time job.
* My wonderful wife has changed from someone who wasn’t too fond of moving away from Arkansas to someone who would not be agreeable to moving away from south Mississippi.
* I’ve changed a lot, too, but it’s a lot harder for me to notice where. One thing is certain: I sure feel a lot older.

We went to a “Connections” open house tonight at our youngest daughter’s school. “Connections” is their name for the Gifted & Talented program, and of all the things we’ve been impressed by in this school district, head and shoulders above all the rest stands Mr. Estis (pictured above from a couple of years ago now with Hillary – standing head and shoulder above her, of course).

Hillary loves learning, but Mr. Estis makes learning a passion.

Seeing him tonight was a good way to celebrate our eighth anniversary in Ocean Springs.

Congratulations, Al! I've certainly been blessed over the years to have you near. I don't know how often it is that preachers in neighboring cities become good friends, but I'm thankful we have had that experience. You are so highly regarded on the Coast by those within and without the church. The church at Ocean Springs has become stronger and bolder in their faith because of your leadership. Other than the fact that you would not come to camp with me, I consider you almost a perfect friend.
Trust me, not coming to camp with you MAKES me a perfect friend.

Whatever that means. :-)

Seriously, thank you so much for such kind words. I value your friendship so much. You have helped me grow, but somehow you've made it feel like we've just been growing together. A real friend.
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