Saturday, March 10, 2007

Here's today's entry to my photography project "My Ocean Springs:"

A unique community lends itself to unique sports, so three years ago Ocean Springs was a natural location to host the Gulf Coast Gators, Mississippi’s only U.S. Lacrosse sanctioned youth team. Coach Charlie Reichel played lacrosse in high school and college (New York Maritime) and quickly became involved with the new club when it was being formed. In March 2007, the Gators hosted the “1st Annual Battle by the Beach” at the Gay-Lemon complex in Ocean Springs. Six clubs competed in the all-day tournament’s two divisions (seventeen and under, and fifteen and under) on a gorgeous Saturday, and that evening the lacrosse teams from LSU and Tulane squared off in an exciting free exhibition match.

Okay, I'm just expecting the LSU/Tulane match will be exciting tonight! If I get the chance to go and discover differently, I'll pick a new adjective!


Have really enjoyed taking a look at your recent posts! In addition to enjoying the good stories, I am encouraged by the sense that you are walking very close to the Lord. I am blessed by reading about your work! -bill
Thanks for your kind words, Bill. And for taking the time to read what's going on with me, too...
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