Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Adult tennis is HUGE on the Mississippi Gulf Coast. Treasure Oak Country Club in Ocean Springs is hosting a big tournament this week, and I was honored to steal five minutes of a busy man's time today (tennis pro, Steve Pennington) to add another entry to My Ocean Springs project (check it out HERE). After Katrina, I planned to get heavy into tennis once life settled down, but it never happened. But now that I look like Andre Aggasi...

Tonight's a big night for me, the unveiling of my bald head to a big chunk of my church family. No telling how that is going to go over...

A few bald observations so far:
* I'm suddenly a LOT more sensitive to air conditioning
* I'm suddenly pulling for Phil Stacey to win American Idol (our club sticks together)
* I'm suddenly no longer worried about whether it's raining or not

There's more to come, I'm sure. It's still early in my bald career.

By the way, I'm really into the book, Brother to a Dragonfly. It is DEFINITELY my kind of book, and for those who haven't read it, even though I'm only halfway through, I would definitely recommend it.

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