Friday, April 20, 2007
The Bryants were in charge of this month's young adult party, and they decided on a beach party. The weather cooperated beautifully.
There was one unfortunate part to the night - stepping on something sharp while playing in the water sent Tristen to the hospital for a few stitches. Oh, and the bonfire didn't cooperate for most of the night either.
But in the end, we sat facing the cool ocean breeze. We roasted marshmallows and hot dogs and made s'mores. We threw around the football, and the ladies had a game of volleyball. We watched the sun set over Biloxi. The kids got sand in every body orifice. We spent the night talking to some of the best people in the world.
And somehow we came home with two more kids than we left our house with!
Yes, I like church parties in Ocean Springs.