Monday, April 23, 2007

For Sale: One used comb, and one fairly new bottle of shampoo. Both still in excellent shape. Owner no longer needs them. If interested, just give me a call!

It's going to be an interesting week (and more to come!), bumping into people I know and seeing the look on their faces... But you in blog-world, outside of Jody & Hillary & our friend, Devon, are the very first to know!

And don't say I didn't warn you!

Jody likes it, and Hillary likes feeling my head (she claims it feels like felt!). And I'm going to like it a lot, as soon as I (and everyone else) gets used to it.


Would it be too unkind to say, "You had little to lose!"
Looks FANTASTIC! I was going to write and ask if you were gonna go through with it. I remembered reading that a few weeks ago! I'm proud of you! Think how aerodynamic you'll be NOW! Good show Mr. Sturgeon...good show!
Thanks, Ric! You know, I've already saved 5 minutes today - no need to shampoo or comb my hair!

And you're completely right, Bruno! Devon showed me "all" my hair after she scooped it up - it easily fit in a small dustpan (and a large chunk of it was gray)! :-)

Now, to face today... I hope the ladies in the ladies class I teach this morning bring sunglasses.
Al, my first thought was of aome SNL characters.

Do you find yourself now consuming mass quantities of certain beverages> :)
Yep, Danny, I'm a Cone Head!!! :-)

But for you, I'm thinking more of purchasing a monacle and a bad uniform, the going to Dr. Warren Carter's seminary class and glaring at him - when he calls me out, I'll stand up and say, "I demand the sum of... ONE MILLION DOLLARS!"
Dr Evil?

Do you love GOOOOOOLD????????

"How bout Scotty Don't?"

You're going to have to change your profile pic now!
You're right. I need a good one - the "in process" one doesn't do it justice.
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