Thursday, May 17, 2007


I think I'm learning to chill a bit in my old age...

I have a TON of respect for President Carter, and I've been a fan for a long time. It was his book, Living Faith, that introduced me to Habitat for Humanity back in 1996, and since then I have established two separate affiliates, one in Arkansas, and one in Mississippi.

I've always wanted to meet him in person. Once, my wife and I planned a little trip to Georgia where he regularly teaches a Bible class at his church, but as fate would have it, he was out of town the weekend we had available. Recently, after the tragic death of Habitat for Humanity International board member, Pat Smith, he traveled to the Mississippi Gulf Coast to dedicate a house the family built in Mr. Smith's memory. I was out of town.

Well, a little back story here...

I was term limited off the board of directors of the Habitat affiliate here last May after six years. Since my departure, our affiliate merged with our neighbor county's affiliate in the post-Katrina world to form a super-affiliate called Habitat for Humanity of the Mississippi Gulf Coast. Last month, I was asked to be on its board of directors, and I accepted. Tonight was my first board meeting, and WOW, is there a lot going on!!!

This Sunday kicks off a 20-house blitz build in Gulfport. That's right, 20 houses will be built in one week. 650 volunteers are flying in from 50 states for this project (we've booked all the incoming flights to the Gulfport-Biloxi airport). It's going to be awesome. Alongside this kickoff event, President Carter will be in New Orleans Sunday night and all day Monday to dedicate the 1,000th house built in the region since Katrina. NBC's "Today" show will be there Monday.

Guess what? I have a devotional to speak at Sunday night. My youngest is graduating from the 4th grade Monday. So I'm going to miss him again. Both times.

But, as I say, I'm learning to chill in my old age. Life goes on, and all is well in the world...

(But I will tell you that there will be a big announcement made Monday that may make my dream a reality after all!)

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