Saturday, May 19, 2007
Two things stick out as special today:
#1: Our subdivision has been in the process of forming a homeowner's association, and the new association planned a cookout today for all the residents. It was really, really nice. It was hot outside, yet still a gorgeous day, and although not a huge number of neighbors came by for the crawfish and shrimp, enough did that it seemed to have served it's purpose: getting all of us to know each other better. I met several new folks, and especially enjoyed a lot of sports conversations with these new friends.
#2: Tonight was our church's annual banquet to honor our graduating seniors. We have three this year: Hollie, Cody, and Tyler. We've been friends with Hollie and her family for a long time now, and they are very special to us. Cody has only been coming around for a couple of years now through a friend, and we don't know his family at all, but Cody is a really cool guy with a great personality. We have been super close to Tyler's family ever since we moved to Ocean Springs in 1999 (when Tyler was a 4th grader!). For a long time, we would take turns every week eating with one another, alternating between our houses each week. It is really neat to see Tyler all grown up (pictured with his parents above), and it reminded me just how long we've lived in Ocean Springs.
I hope your Saturday was just as good.
From the looks of things, Sunday looks promising, too!
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Al, I came across your name in a blog of a "friend" of my daughters. It was interesting when I went to your post on Friday and there I saw your daughter, at about the same age you were when I last saw you. As a former teacher from someones past you never know if a student will remember you or worse yet, remembers you in a negative way. As I looked at the picture of your daughter and read that you have a daughter even older, it added with the event of the past week (my youngest daughter graduated from Harding Academy) need I say made me feel my age. I remember you from CRA in my 5th and 6th grade boys Bible class. You were a quiet and respectful young man. It was a few months ago that a friend of mine from Bono had mentioned a blog that she especially enjoyed reading. When I inquired whose it was your name was the one she told me. I told her that I had had you for a short time as a student and that I would like the blog info. As life has a way of doing, things got busy and I never got the info. However, when I was reading the blog I mentioned in the beginning, I came across your name and went in and read some of your entries. You are doing a great job. I was thrilled to hear that you are preaching. I have a special place in my heart for preachers. You may remember that my husband was a preacher (He passed away in 85, when my daughter was 4 and I remarried 3 years later hence the name change.) I just wanted to let you know that I am proud of your decision to work in the ministry. It was good to read part of your blog and I plan to read all the archives as well as future posts from time to time. Keep up the good work. Have you figured out who I am yet? If not, I was Mrs. Ray. My name now is Roberts. With christian love and appreciation, Debbie Roberts
Wow. Talk about a blast from the past! So, I feel like calling you Mrs. Ray, but I don't guess any of us are back in 5th grade Bible class anymore, huh? It has been so long that it really was hard to remember at first, but I do remember you. And I appreciate so much your kind words. Stay in touch, and if you get to blogging, let me know so I can read up on your life, too!
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