Friday, June 01, 2007

Big day today:

#1: Went and sat on the beach this morning. This was homework for my 40-Something class. Hate me.

#2: Went to the hospital in Lucedale to check on Matt following his spleen-removal surgery. He's doing good, but the recovery will surely take a while. He showed me the scar, and it was huge. Definitely major surgery.

#3: Went from there to camp to pick up Hillary, and discovered that she really didn't want to leave (although she was looking forward to air conditioning). She had a blast this week, and much of the credit for that lies at the feet of her counselor, Mrs. Hollie. Hillary taught me lots of fun songs on the way home, with my personal favorite being a song about a wishy-washy-washer-woman.

#4: My oldest daughter, Erica, is driving in from Arkansas today. She called before she left around mid-morning. She had slept longer than she intended, but she still had all day to make the trip. It seems so long since I've seen her, and I'm really looking forward to her being home.

#5: We have a busy night planned at our church building, setting up for the Single Parent Network tomorrow morning. We have good plans and good people, but I always find myself worrying that people will forget, or things will come up. Maybe that's because these things always happen? But I should relax. Hence, the homework this morning.

#6: The most interesting part of the day will happen in a couple of hours. As many of you know, Habitat for Humanity has been a big part of my life for a decade or so now. I found out last night that I'm being interviewed/photographed with my friend, Latan, for an upcoming edition of Habitat World, the official magazine of HFHI that literally goes all over the world. That's pretty cool. Our post-Katrina transformation will be the subject.

Gotta run. Thanks for checking in with me and my life!

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