Saturday, June 09, 2007
(a.k.a. "Doh! Re-Apply Sunblock AFTER Snorkeling When You're Bald!"
* I received an early wake-up call on Wednesday to try to capture a picture of a Caribbean sunrise, and I was nervous when I awakened to overcast, rainy weather. Although my sunrise turned out to be cloudy, it still turned out to be a most amazing day.
* It was amazing to stand at the front of the ship (bow? stern? I still don't know!) and watch the huge ship approach Cozumel. I watched the deck hands working hard to get the massive ropes and anchors ready.
* When we docked, the four of us exited the gangway and were met with photo-op's by a half-naked Mexican warrior and a Mexican dancer. We walked to the end of the pier and instantly met Antonio, tour guide for the "Exploring Cozumel by Jeep With Snorkeling" excursion we had purchased. Antonio ranks second on the most memorable people from our trip only because we hung out with him one day, and hung out with Lovie six days.
* Antonio gathered our group and gave his speech on what to expect that day, and he proved not only to be dependable and thorough, but downright hilarious!!! He told us that his assistant, Santos, would be the jeep in the caboose position because he was supposedly the mechanic. When one of our nervous group members said, "What do you mean supposedly the mechanic?" Antonio opened his arms and his smile wide and exclaimed, "Welcome to Mejico!!!"
* The first thing we did was go to our jeeps. Jody drove ours because I never took the time to learn how to drive a standard (!), and she did great. We drove through the Cozumel traffic in a single file line of Jeeps, parked along the beach, and at Antonio's command got out on the sidewalk. He gathered us together and asked, "Are you ready for your first Mexican adventure?" When we replied that we were, he then yelled, "Run for your lives!" and led us across the busy street to get our snorkeling gear.
* Snorkeling was quite the experience, especially considering the fact that I cannot swim. Antonio taught us how to use the goggles, snorkel, lifejacket, and flippers. He had to hurry, since we were on a schedule, and as we made our way back across the busy street with our gear I grew a bit concerned since my lifejacket continually deflated. And I cannot swim. Well, I thought I should ask someone as our ENTIRE group is wading out into the water, and my concern was well founded. Life jackets should not deflate. So I began switching out my entire gear while getting further and further behind the class. Finally, I stumble into the water, and I cannot stand up while I'm trying to get my flippers on. But then off we go anyway!!! And it was amazing...
* It was also exhausting. Erica was fine. Bless Jody's heart, she was lugging 70 pounds of Hillary around, too. Me, I was mostly trying to stay alive. And man was that exhausting. But the fish were simply breathtaking.
* After my death-defying snorkeling experience, we rinsed off, changed, and jumped back into the jeeps to head to our next adventure. (NOTE: THIS IS WHERE I SHOULD HAVE RE-APPLIED SUNBLOCK TO MY BALD HEAD!!!)
* Next, we went to El Cedral, which is Cozumel's version of Mayan ruins. There was an old Catholic church on site along with other old stuff, but the hit of this part of our excursion was the dead tarantula one of our group members found. We think it was a very old Mayan tarantula, but we haven't had this confirmed by archaeologists just yet.
* After the dead Mayan tarantula, we took off on an amazing drive around the perimeter of the island of Cozumel. The crashing waves and bright blue water and natural, rocky beaches made for an unforgettable sight. After a long ride (in which I did NOT re-apply sunblock), we stopped at a beach for a Mexican buffet lunch with two other tour groups. It was wonderful, but I have to admit that my favorite parts were the ice cold American sodas (Sprite, followed by Orange for me!). While at this beach, I decided to re-apply sunblock (too late, you bonehead) as well as take some amazing pictures. Antonio got up a volleyball game at the beach by begging "Antonio's fam-uh-lee" to participate. Jody and Hillary jumped in and played, while Erica watched. And just before we left, both Erica and Hillary got one of the ever-popular henna tattoos.
* Afterwards, we traveled by jeep to one final stop, a place literally named "The Pee Pee Station," a Mexican bathroom/souvenir stop. It was here that I began to notice my sunburn.
* We finally made it back to where we started, and before we left, my girls posed for a picture with Santos (left, in the picture above) and Antonio (right). Wonderful, wonderful excursion...
* Back on board the ship, we showered and changed for dinner (gingerly, while I kicked myself repeatedly for getting sunburned!). We went to dinner at Four Winds to see our friend, Lovie (who, for the entire time, called Hillary, "Hilaria" - rhymes with "Malaria"). On Wednesday evening, I had fried mozarrella for starters, spinach and mushroom salad, beef wellington for the main course, and pineapple sherbet again for dessert.
* After dinner, stuffed, exhausted, and sunburned, I went to bed...