Sunday, June 17, 2007

Happy Father's Day to everyone in blog-land! I miss having my dad around every day, but it comes to mind more forcefully on Father's Day. I hope everyone who has a dad around appreciates that blessing.

Yet I am blessed to be honored myself on Father's Day. I received lots of great wishes and cards from my family and friends, and I even received a couple of cool gifts:
  1. I got a super-cool digital picture frame! I've already got it up and running at my office with a couple hundred of my favorite pictures (so far), and its slideshow may very well keep me mesmerized instead of working. Very cool stuff.
  2. I also received some cooking equipment so I can learn how to become a real Gulf Coast guy and have a shrimp boil (with the picture above for inspiration)! I'm really depending on my good friend, Bruno, an expert in the art of boiling shrimp, to lead me into the land of Shrimp Cuisine. I'm getting hungry just thinking about it... :-)
We had a nice day at the Ocean Springs Church of Christ, including the arrival of a hurricane relief crew from Moulton, Alabama, tonight, one of four relief crews scheduled to come on mission trips this summer. This is Moulton's first trip, and I anticipate their having a hot, sweaty, yet meaningful week.

I watched Mississippi State make their exit from the College World Series this afternoon on ESPN. They should be proud, however; the last SEC team left standing this season.

Gotta run. I actually plan to post again tomorrow morning, so I'll see you then...

I have a "fail safe" recipe for boiling shrimp.
Remember that you do have a Dad. God. A Father who loves you more than you can begin to imagine. He cares for you, loves you, is always there for you when you need to talk. He is availiable 24/7. I hope you will never forget that. I hope will cherish the memories you had with your earthly father but will know your heavenly Father even more because that is what Christianity is all about. I am glad I came across your blog today and look forward to reading more posts. God bless your week as you serve Him.
Thanks, Bruno, but you've never worked with a student like me! :-)

And thanks, Preacherman, for your good and kind words!
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