Monday, July 30, 2007
Yesterday was our second-ever end-of-quarter combined class at the Ocean Springs Church of Christ. Six months ago, each Sunday class was challenged to do more than simply talk about following Jesus, but to actually "go into the world" and serve the hurting. On the last class of each quarter, we would meet together to talk about what we had experienced.
Yesterday, we heard about...
* Our Senior Saints class providing gift boxes to all the families of new babies at the hospital
* Our 40-Something class becoming volunteers with programs that mentor at-risk children
* Our Young Adult class's ministry to single-parent families
* Our Teens work day rebuilding hurricane-ravaged houses
* Our 3rd-5th graders visiting shut-ins
* Our 4s-5s & 1st-2nd grade classes combined efforts to provide books for children at the battered women's shelter
* And our 2s-3s beautiful artwork for the hurting, as demonstrated by Brynn above
We've got a long ways ago until reaching out to a hurting world becomes the central focus of who we are called to be as followers of Jesus, but on days like yesterday, I feel as if we've taken a couple of steps in the right direction.