Thursday, August 02, 2007
#1: VBS ended yesterday, and the picture above of Alexis and Laney is one of my favorites. We enjoyed so much having Alexis come with Hillary all week, and Laney's mom, Jessica, did an outstanding job of directing her first VBS. We had a big celebration for our Peak of the Week class last night that went very well. Near the end, Matt put together a slideshow that Dave uploaded to our website afterward. You can go HERE, click on the banner, then look for the Avalanche Ranch button to watch the video.
#2: The bridge collapse in Minnesota is so sad and scary. Makes our little "van breaking down on the bridge" escapade recently seem more scary than before... My wife has a former business associate in Minneapolis that we always considered much more a friend than a business associate. I emailed Stephanie this morning, hoping she and all her friends are safe.
#3: I've been physically drained with everything going on recently, but for some reason I keep having to stay up late to watch Barry Bonds attempts to catch Hank Aaron. Such mixed emotions. Right now, I think I'd lean toward applauding when it happens out of simple respect for history. Me, and maybe three Dodger fans out of the 50,000 showing up to watch, right?