Friday, September 21, 2007

I plan to mow my yard this morning. I hate mowing my yard on any morning.

I had planned to mow it tomorrow morning, but I made the mistake of checking out the weather. The little storm creeping across the Gulf looks as if it will translate into some stormy weather tonight and tomorrow for our area, so if the yard will get mowed this weekend, it will have to be this morning. And it sure needs mowing.

The tropical weather / yard-mowing combination brings to mind a humorous anectdote from Katrina. My good friend, Herman, and I have had lots of entertaining conversations over the years, many of them in the days after Katrina. We lived in the same neighborhood, and both of us had six feet of water in our houses. For extra fun, I had a huge tree on my house, and Herman lost all of his automobiles.


I remember sitting at the church building one day when a thought came to mind and I told Herman, "I just thought of something really depressing."

"What?" he replied.

"I mowed my yard just before Katrina."

Herman laughed, then said, "I've got you beat. I filled my truck up with gas."

this is actually humorous as if to be a joke at the end, yet depressing given the circmstance.
Yeah, but we laughed hard anyway.
Great! Hey... you can laugh or cry or both...but that was a great line!
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