Saturday, January 12, 2008
Today was a big mail day at my house. In addition to a few bills, a few pieces of junk, and a few law schools introducing themselves to me, I received THREE... count 'em, THREE... acceptance letters.
I have been admitted to law school at the universities of Arkansas, Mississippi, and Tennessee for the Fall of 2008, which is just a pretty cool feeling. Arkansas even attached a nice little scholarship offer, bringing its price down a little below the level of the in-state Mississippi.
I did not expect to hear from anyone until February or so, but now I'll start running for the mailbox every day to look for letters from Florida, Pepperdine, St. Louis, and Virginia.
And just to make matters a bit more complicated, it looks like we will add another application this week, this time to the University of Missouri-Columbia (but this will be the last one, I promise!).
Looks like this law school idea is going to happen after all.
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Congratulations! I have no doubt that these will not be the only letters of this sort you'll be receiving!!!
Thanks, Chris!
My favorite thing about all this so far...
I've had several law schools email and say they'd waive the application fee if I'd apply. The University of Alabama sent one the other day, and in addition to waiving the application fee, they offered me $20 in free iTunes downloads! LOL! Is this an NCAA violation? If I win the law school Heisman Trophy someday, would I have to give it back for being offered iTunes downloads during the recruiting phase? :-)
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My favorite thing about all this so far...
I've had several law schools email and say they'd waive the application fee if I'd apply. The University of Alabama sent one the other day, and in addition to waiving the application fee, they offered me $20 in free iTunes downloads! LOL! Is this an NCAA violation? If I win the law school Heisman Trophy someday, would I have to give it back for being offered iTunes downloads during the recruiting phase? :-)
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