Friday, March 21, 2008

COUNTDOWN: 136 days

Things to do today:
* A rare day when we aren’t doing anything related to our impending move. Helped a friend from church get a new tire this morning, took part in a community Good Friday service at the Lutheran church at noon, followed by attending a funeral for a friend’s father at a Baptist church in Pascagoula. Tonight, our young adult group from church is going to a Mississippi Seawolves (hockey) game.

Malibu fact of the day:
* Actor Martin Sheen was named honorary mayor in 1989. Sheen's tenure is best known for his announcement on nationwide TV that the homeless were welcome in Malibu. Irate locals and neighbors disagreed, and Jerry Perenchko, one of Malibu's weathliest landowners, allegedly chartered a bus to ferry invited homeless to Sheen's residence. Sheen did not open his gates to welcome the homeless.

What I'll miss about Ocean Springs today:
* I was reminded today of how well the different Christian groups get along in Ocean Springs. There has been much pastor turnover in the nine years I’ve been here, so I’m now one of the old guys in town, but throughout the entire time I’ve been here there have been friendly attitudes between every flavor of Christianity.

What I'm thinking today:
* Today’s weather is gorgeous, and I’m thinking that this is normal Malibu weather, only without the biting gnats!

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