Monday, March 17, 2008

COUNTDOWN: 140 days

Our move to California was confirmed 100% last week, so we are now in full countdown mode. Mainly because we have so much to do between now and then.

Things to do today:
* We have to sell a LOT of stuff because we need a LOT of money, and because we are moving from a wonderful house to a tiny apartment 2,000 miles away (not complaining, just saying). So today, I started working on getting our piano somewhere else. And tonight, the three of us get to spend our evening cleaning all the baseboards in the house - lots of cleaning and cleaning out to do to be able to list the house in a few weeks.

Malibu fact of the day:
* In 2007, Malibu High School was ranked one of the top 100 schools in the country in U.S. News & World Report.

What I'll miss about Ocean Springs today:
* Getting a donut at the Tato-Nut Shop.

What I'm thinking today:
* Today I'm thinking about this 2,000+ mile drive we're going to make. In August. When gas will cost like a gazillion dollars. And it will be a gazillion degrees outside.

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